
O.M.G. S.r.l., as independent Data Controller, hereby informs you, as person concerned, that: the personal data (common data) entered and stored in this website are here in this website for the purpose of:

  • build and manage a mailing list with the aim to send newsletters;

O.M.G. S.r.l. gathers personal data through this web page in order to create a mailing list that allow sending each new issue of the corporate newsletter via email. This process is automatic and free of charge. The purpose of the newsletter is to keep people informed about company products, services and activities.

In this regard O.M.G. S.r.l. notice you the following statement:

This statement pursues the art. 13 of Legislative Decree D.lgs 196/2003 – Code regarding personal data protection.

O.M.G. S.r.l. newsletter is sent by our company via email to all those who are interested as customers (data gathered by company database), potential customers or other contacts (data gathered by company database or other means). The people who want to receive the newsletter are included into a specific mailing list previously created for this purpose.

Personal data of interested people (name, surname, email address, company name and other common data) are used only to send newsletter and they won’t be revealed to third parties. Other scopes of communication or disclosure of data are not allowed.

The purpose of the newsletter is communicating commercial information, information about O.M.G. S.r.l. events and for marketing campaign. The data are processed by computer. The company has put in place appropriate security measures to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and access are not allowed.

Data processing related to newsletter service take place in O.M.G. S.r.l. and performed by O.M.G. S.r.l. staff charged of the data processing. If necessary, in activities linked to computer technology maintenance, datas related to the newsletter service can be handled by O.M.G. S.r.l. IT department staff.

As far as the aforementioned processing is concerned, data subjects can exercise the rights pursuant to the articles no. 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the GDPR EU no. 679/16 (rights to access, rectification, erasure, restriction to the use and notification in the event of rectification/erasure/restriction by the Data Controller).

The application of the rights can be forwarded to O.M.G. S.r.l. address.

For complete information about this web-site privacy policy use the disclaimer privacy link on the home-page “Privacy Policy”

O.M.G. S.r.l. allaws you to preventively consent the access to the specific data processing and to activate the newsletter service as follows:


Your declaration of having carefully read this statement and of granting your consent to having your personal data processed by means of this website is made by checking the “Yes, I want to receive the newsletter” box, and by clicking the “SEND” button.


O.M.G. S.r.l. allaws you to deny this processing of data previously consented and to unsubscribe the newsletter service at any time as follows: Denial and cancellation to the newsletter: if you want to remove your subscription to our newsletter, please send the unsubscription request via email, asking for “Cancellation”.

If you have problems please send an email to: